Progression Changes

Hello world, this update will be cut into multiple posts and topics, as I will try to explain the direction I am going with these new changes.

First of all I want to bring an important disclaimer:

PWO is a passion work, I love this, and this is something I idealize since a 8 years old kid watching tv on the 90s, and I honestly want to put this sort of energy in the project, I understand everyone have their own expectations of what their ideal game would be, and I tend to openly let players suggestions and community to drive the ways I am going with the game, but lately this have been extremely negative to me, and to the game in my perspective.

Why I am saying this? lately, I noticed I been entirely driving my design directions to please plays, either be for keeping supporters or just popularity, and honestly? this wont work if the game gets worse with each update, and even worse: It got to the terrible point where I am struggling to like my dream game, myself.

So, while I WILL STILL listen openly to suggestion, dont expect me to please a specific group of players that after a few years in the project dont even play the game, and let me abandoned with a game I dont even recognize/like anymore.

Lately with alot of the progression changes to fit some playerstyle of byond I been changing the entire core experience of PWO, it has driven away from the planned experience with excuses to fit/adjust with some casual rpers playstyle, but, honestly this game gotten worse and worsen through the years, and I know some of you agree.

With this explained, I understand a roleplay game must have its progression and feels put in the hand of the ones roleplaying and spending their time socializing over grinding mechanics, and I strongly agree it should be this way, but we been "imitatating" other approaches and PWO that was once filled with thriling cool features became a boring game where you stare afk in the screen like everything around on byond.

But I also dreamed and made a fun and rich game, I will try to now drive the game to the direction where I believe that will keep the players entertained, rewarded and around the game, while also rewarding equaly the ones socializing etc. Thats the current direction I want to head back through, right now of course it will take alot of attempts and times to find such balance so I kindly ask for yours understanding and patience till we get there!

Also ask you guys to understand that to deliver excelency, love and a passionate project, I must also like and keep loving not just the project, but the community, its of huge importance for me to have this a mentaly healthy place for me to live in, and also for ones aligned with the dreams of living in the pokemon universe. I will be less tolerant to toxicity and staff abuses and admins dramas aswell, regardless of them being my friend or not, PWO dream should be given the love and importancy it deserves!

The fact is: if I dont like and love PWO, no one will. paying players or not.

I will start listing the first steps on the changes on the newer direciton PWO will go, keep in mind I AM STILL OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS and understand those are tests!

First thing I want to talk about is the power progression, I removed entirelly all the known bonus as we know, and the cap/RPP limit on exp is "soft removed" I will explain as we go.

But now, if you go beyond your trainer capacity (RPP, CP Bonus etc +5 levels) your pokemon will stop obeying.

This limitation is removed incase your character is given "Event Character" tag, wich is meant to be temporary characters with preset powers.

Once you reach your cap you will still be able to progress level wise up to your obey limit, but this will be way "slowier" and will only progress with player v player fights.

Specific ranks will allow a player to have a minimum obey level, regardless of their current rpp etc. this can be set at runtime. This one is to allow us to give a danger/power tier to specific important roles so we can expect to see some dramas/events roles unfolding, villains should be powerfull etc.

(Example, Executives can have minimum max lv 50, to get a pokemon lv 51+ obbeying they would need to then get the 4500 rpp (and cps etc) like everyone else) 

(PS: this rank minimal boost is adjusted at runtime, so it depend on how we are heading the story if it will be used at all or not)

-Forgot to mention, Badges will also now play a major role on the pokemon obbey levels!

Knowing alot of dramas and complexity been cut of the game since everyone was placed on the same tier of power, I honestly think bringing back some more dramatic power walls can get back people to bring plot and wars back to the game... But lets see how this unfolds!

Progression changes so far wont stop just in power, I am sure I am not the only one who miss Pokemon labor abuses or dramatic scenes like this being actualy more usefull then just influence grind.

Now, beyond the daily salary people will be able to get money by performing their job actions, its not much but can give you an extra reason to keep "having something to do" in the game, beside just afking on school.

Also profitting from pokemon abuse can be an extra layer of RP for the ones looking for extra conflict, who knows? lets see how this unfolds!

(This doesnt remove the fact you can still get your nice money from just socializing out of the work zone, most of the money still comes from the daily salary, keep in mind we are aiming for a balance here between gameplay and socialization rewards)

This change back will hopefully bring back some good old experiences we used to have, like our work zones was also some cool chat/Hanging places to gather with other workers or just to chill at when theres nothing much going on. like side hubs for specific groups (I used to hang alot with other cops at the police station for example, because actually alot of people were just farming some extra money and it was cool/chill)

There was also a rework/fix again on the pokemon spawning and wild interactions. And with this in mind I will also bring back the ability farmers had to get extra eggs from performing wild interactions... Gives us back some chill dopamine exploring to the world, and give them more reason to go exploring and taking good care of wildern areas!


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Jun 20, 2024

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