Bikes, New Pokemon, Nature Mint and more contents!

Now finally time to talk about the new contents, bug fixes and QoLs!

Lets start talking about the new Items!

- Bikes!

They are cool so why not? Well, its planned to be a Casino Item only in the future, but right now they will be at the default shop for 500,000Y (heh) to be a money sink.

Also only during this specific wipe bikes will be inside preset boxes.

- Nature Mint

This item actually was alot more complex to make then it seems, had me to remake some part of the nature system to be feasible (it messes with alot of other subsystems like evolution etc) A "virgin" Nature mint, when used will allow you to pick a nature, and once you pick it will become "ChoosenNature" Mint. Feeding it to a pokemon will change the pokemon nature to the desired one!

Nature Mints can be obtainable at capsule shop for 2c, and can also be fount with the Resource Gathering on berry trees!

- Incubators

Used to instantly hatch eggs, control your pokemon's egg and use the incubator and it will do the magic!

This item was added mostly because players starting with criminal or scientists couldnt hatch their eggs, while its intended for them to struggle with eggs, the game needed a side way for this. So at default Incubators will be sold in the beta's main shop, but on official kanto map it will be an Zilph shop item costing 2,500Y

Incubators are also needed to perform every Genetics Pokemon revival, you can read more about those at Perks, Ranks and Knowledges reviews!

- Upgrades and Dubious Disks

Yes, Porygon2 and PorygonZ

Both items are extractable from the base form Porygons, and can also be fount at the Random Stones Box!

Now time to talk about the Setting Contents!

Its not really something new, but at the same time is, the "base default" starting trial triggers were never re-visited nor redone since the first alphas! And the time to re-visit those and give them some love have finally come, with this review tho, I also added extra event manipulation controls!

- Admin Forced Trigger Start.

Basically theres now an admin command that force a specific trigger to run, at anytime, anywhere at anyone. This is very usefull for event handling, mainly if the admin/team prepared specific setting to be able to happen.

(If you don't know what I am talking about, trigger is a mechanic in PWO that allows admins to pre-determine a group of actions/events, like some sort of state machines to customize cool things)

Example: making the ceiling colapse at the gym during a battle, or creating a heatwave that burns everything around etc. a rolling golem to break through a mountain creating boulder slides, anything crazy an admin can set up to.

Whats new here? basically that, triggers usually starts by a player walking into them, but in PWO external things can call a trigger, like an unstable zone or a custom item. But now, also an event admin can call any at anyone.

- Remade the Event Parser.

Before every event was an annoying cutscene, while the cutscreen are cool, some sort of usages of events were annoying as fuck. Not to mention alot of times we accidentally closed the cutscene missing the whole event text etc.

Well, now we have a pretty text box for events, and the cutscene is optional!

Also this come with a QoL, before admin announcements kept erasing itself, now they will stack on the chat like a normal post.

- Project Members Events.

Before only ranked people could post the events, this was actually a mistake, fixed now you can post an event through the Manage Project command!

This review on the Setting Contents of trials made me create some basic default things, I will try to summarize without too much spoils:

- Default Blocks:

(Blocks are basically things that stay on the map, cant be crossed through unless dealed with, and can call/perform trigger actions and react differently depending on players interacting with them)

-Fire (This area is on fire! (You need a 2k RPP and a fitting pokemon move to control it!))

-Bounder (A rock is blocking the path! (You need 2k rpp, be a Miner and have a fitting pokemon move to break this!))

-Web (The path is blocked by tick webs! (You need 2k rpp and a pokemon with fitting moves to get rid of them!))

-Fallen Tree (There is a fallen tree blocking the path! (To get rid of it you need 2k rpp and a fitting pokemon move!))

-Broken (This place is broken or under construction! (To repair it you need 3k rpp be an Engineer and use a pokemon with Strenght move!))

-Ice (This path is frozen! (To melt it you need 3k rpp and fitting pokemon move!))

-Fossil ( A Strange sturdy Rock is Blocking the path! (To break this you need 3k RPP and be an Archeolgoist with a fitting pokemon move!))

-Torns (There are torns blocking the path! (You need 1.5k RPP and a fitting pokemon move to get rid of them!))

-Snorlax (This Pokemon is fast asleep! (You need a PokéFlute and 2k RPP to wake him up!))

Those are the default starting preset blocks, keep in mind Blocks can be created and all their mechanics edited and customized at runtime to fit the ongoing story, hence why you might have seen all of those before, they were just remade/re-organized with new events to fit better the current PWO!

- Default Triggers:

As I mentioned before Triggers are basically a tree of mechanical events that can be previously set and customized, but to keep the game engaging and with gameplay enough to start things, I have reviewed the default starting ones and reorganized all their reqs:

-BreakTrees (this can also awaken a beedrill swarm just like good old times)

-SummonDarkrai (beware the darkness)




-BurnThings (Incase the place temperature is too high, you can get injured and Fire blocks can spawn)


-SummonSnorlax (Used to awaken Snorlax from those sleeping boys blocks)

-CoverWeb (At some places using string shot can cover the place with webs creating Web blocks)

-BoulderSlide (At some unstable places specific moves and powerfull ppl can provoke slides that can also deal damage and block paths)

-FossilSlide (Finding Fossil blocks)

-BreakThings (Can be used to break/inutilize buildings and urban areas)

Similar to the blocks, triggers can be strongly customized and made, those are just the default presets.

- Unstable Zones:

UZs are basically areas where specific actions can call Triggers, these are heavily customizable too, and one area is able to organize different event calls upon multiple different conditions, so I defined some basic generic preset UZs:




- New Pokemon!

Alot of people are all into new pokemon, well, not gonna lie, me too, I love watching the game's database increasing with every major update so heres this seasons' newsio!

-Shiny Smeargle (I pick PWO's shiny colors, for this one I picked blue/red since the og is green, so now we have rgb smeargles!)






-Ambipom (I completelly forgot we were missing this one, thanks to an ontopic conversation, you guys should do this more haha)

Not alot but picked with love!

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